Thursday 2 January 2014

My Monthly Goals: January 2014

-       Finish my bureau makeover.

This is my bureau in its current state- halfway between MDF horror and painted loveliness! 

-       Complete one ongoing crochet project.

-       Drink 2 litres of water everyday.

-       Create a 2014 Happiness Jar and place one note about a moment of happiness in it each day for the remainder of the year.

-       Complete and submit my UCAS application for the Paramedic Practice course. 

-       Love Myself More. 


Welcome 2014!

Happy New Year!

I'm starting this year on a high after having a fantastic time over the holidays with loved ones. It was a quiet holiday season this year- no parties, just lots of time spent chilling and lounging around, drinking, eating chocolate and watching Frasier and The Big Bang Theory and a couple of Christmas movies (I've finally seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and I can safely say I love it!)

Reading the last couple of posts from last year I can definitely say that I'm searching for a new direction in life and was feeling a bit jaded with just about everything! However, a new year means a new start and I am determined that 2014 will be my year, whatever it throws at me!

My single biggest resolution this year is to Love Myself More.

Exactly as I am, no quibbles, no questions asked. I've spent 25 years of my life criticising myself so I'm eager to see what happens when I love and accept myself instead!

Happy 2014!
