Thursday 12 December 2013

Dreams- Choosing the Path Less Travelled

Yet another rambling blog post! Who knows where this one will take us?

A dream is a seed, an idea planted in your head that you wish one day to see come to fruition. The inspiration for this dream can come from anywhere; a book or article, a picture, painting, film, quote, conversation, a friend, lover, parent or simply from sitting, gazing out of the window, wondering "what if....?" The inspiration for the dream can come instantly and disappear just as quickly but the dream lingers on, taking hold and resurfacing again and again, whispering "follow me...."

At 25 I'm still young and I have a lot of dreams. Some of these are to do with travelling, to meeting new people and discovering new places, yet some of these are to do with settling down and starting a family; of having children, seeing them grow and teaching them. Some of these dreams relate to career and what I wish to achieve in my life, to where I live, how I live and a whole host of other dreams!

I want to change the world and I'm young enough and naive enough to believe that, whilst I might not change the world in any big way, maybe I can make it a better place for spending time here.

On the one hand I want to become a paramedic and save people's lives but on the other hand I want to create my own permaculture haven, living in harmony with the land, using my creativity and determination to build my own house (an Earthship or using some recycled material such as an old shipping container), living simply and free of the restrictions of the rat race, the endless hamster wheel that is drip fed to us from birth as the only means by which to define our successes, of finishing school, college, university then entering some mind-numbing corporate job, which no one cares if you enjoy as long as it pays the rent, the mortgage, the bills, for the designer clothes, car, holidays and fancy gadgets billed to us as "the comforts of modern living" whilst all around us the Earth is dying, suffering under our greed, our selfishness and we all suffer, from some lack or other, be it shelter, food, love or community.

And yet I find myself thinking, my mind wandering and wondering between choices, chances, dreams and reality (you know- the little voice whispering "Stay safe! Close the door on your dreams! Live a "normal" life (see rant above)!") how on earth do we pick which dreams to pursue? Can our dreams coexist; do we actually have to choose which dreams to pursue? And how can we ever possibly fit in all we hope to do, all of our dreams into the such short time we are alive?

And when I feel like my dreams aren't getting any closer, when I feel like tomorrow can't some soon enough I watch this guy and he inspires me to keep going!

So here's to our dreams, to changing the world and may you find your dreams and the courage to pursue them!


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